A bit about me
I’ve been working as an accent coach for the past 19 years, and I absolutely love it. I got into this job utterly by accident, when my fellow actors began asking me for help with RP and Australian for a play we were in. I began investigating anatomy, linguistics, got really curious about how to accurately describe to someone what to do to make specific sounds, and how to help someone develop their ear for accents in general.
Long story short, 19 years, 6 countries, and hundreds of actors later, including a few Oscar nominees, I am still very much as fascinated as I was when I began, and I continue to grow and develop as a teacher. Every single person I work with is unique, and I love the adventure of helping someone gain confidence and open up further casting opportunities. This industry is tough, and being confident in a few different accents makes a world of difference.
I laugh a lot, and if you’re looking for a serious business-like teacher, I’m probably not the right fit, and that’s totally ok! I like to have fun, and my classes and teaching style reflect that.
In fact, I enjoy it all so much, I even take the accent work on holiday with me, as you can see here…
Absolutely dedicated? Total geek? Probably both. See how many accents you can pick out!
Holly Renaut Teaching CV
Below you’ll find my full teaching CV, as well as a downloadable PDF version. If you need any more information, feel free to contact me!